Seafields Magazine

We Release a New Magazine Twice a Year, Advertising The Best of our Property Collection!

Twice a year (to cover Spring/Summer & Autumn/Winter seasons), a quality Seafields Property Collection magazine is produced detailing many of our properties, interspersed with buying/selling/letting advice, promotional events, etc., as well as promoting local businesses, charity events, etc. 3000 are produced each time, and we distribute these at the Hoverport, outside different outlets as well as hand delivering to different areas each time. For advertisers wishing to promote their business or special events, we would welcome their inclusion in our magazine – so do contact us to discuss further.


01983 812266

Seafields Estate, 18-19 Union Street
Ryde, Isle of Wight
PO33 2DU

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Ryde Vector, Isle of Wight